Naked Neck Turken


The Turken is a light brown egg layer and is considered a dual-purpose utility chicken. It is especially suitable for meat production as the breed has approximately half the feathers of other chickens, making them easier to pluck.
These birds are cold hardy and heat tolerant, excellent foragers, and immune to most diseases.
Their appearance is rather odd and not particularly appealing to some. Perhaps this explains why they’re not usually known to be an exhibition bird.
Size: 6.5 to 8 pounds
Type: Large Fowl & Bantam
Varieties: Black, Buff, Red, White
Egg Laying: 2-3 per week
Egg Size: Medium
Egg Color: Light Brown
Comb Type: Single
Personality: Docile & Friendly
Broody/Setters: Yes

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Author: TBN Ranch

Chicken Keeper in Phoenix, Arizona, special interest in Silkie Bantams and Mille Fleur breeds. Offering valuable resources to fellow chicken enthusiasts since 2012.